Staying Compatible during your office upgrades, and to use pcarchiver with meaningful use and eprescribing modules

Considering installing Windows 7 to 10?

Or, thinking about buying a new computer

Here's what you need to know about PCArchiver.

office computers

First, understand the effect of '32-bit' versus '64-bit:'

  • The program you now have, PCArchiver10 with Scan9 or Scan10, was designed for 32-bit Windows computers. PCArchiver has developed a new version (PCArchiver12 and SCAN12) which works in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments; we will also continue to fully support the existing 32-bit version (PCArchiver10).
  • NOTE: Some software programs, possibly including your practice management software, function only on 32-bit Windows computers.
  • Windows 7-10 upgrades to existing XP and Vista computers are mostly 64-bit. It is hard to buy a 32-bit computer at this time. If you do purchase a 32-bit computer, your PCArchiver10 will continue to work as normal, but the purchase of a 32-bit computer should be discussed in advance with your IT professional. 

Know your choices:

  • If you are upgrading your existing computer to Windows 7-10 64-bit:

    You must purchase PCArchiver12 or upgrade to PCArchiver12 from PCArchiver10. See below for details.
  • If you are purchasing a new computer:
First, check to see that your practice management programs, and other critical programs, will work in a 64-bit environment. All new computers sold by Dell, HP, and discount stores with Windows 7-10 come with only the 64-bit version preinstalled.
If the rest of your important programs WILL NOT function under the Windows 7 or 8 64-bit operating system, and you want to continue to use those programs, purchase a new computer with Windows XP 32-bit preinstalled. You may have to pay an upgrade fee to the dealer. This is the only option that allows you to purchase a new computer and continue to use all your 32-bit Windows programs, including PCArchiver10 with Scan9 or Scan10.
If the rest of your important programs WILL function under the Windows 7-10 64-bit operating system, and you decide to buy a 64-bit computer, present users of PCArchiver10 may purchase PCArchiver12 at a discount.  PCArchiver12 and Scan12 are specifically designed to work in a 64-bit environment, but work with 32-bit as well. These are completely new programs, not just upgrades of what you have now.  They will give you compatibility going forward, although (due to a Microsoft wrinkle) they do require you to convert your existing database to the new format.  This conversion is straight forward with complete instructions in the PCArchiver12 User Manual. If you are unable to perform the conversion, we can do it for you but it is an additional $150.

Prices: Present SOLO users: $499 (New users: $1,299).
( See Price & Purchase for other user size versions).

To see new features of PCArchiver12 and Scan12, click HERE.

Free trial of PCArchiver12 and Scan12, click HERE.

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We will be glad to help.


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